Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthdays and Other Ramblings

Well, I suppose those who read know it was my birthday yesterday, if you did not know, well thanks...!

Not sure what there is to blog about, but I thought a post on Birthdays was a little appropriate.  When one has a birthday on SST most often members request a track in their honor. it is a very nice gesture and with the added feature of Favorite Lists, the requesting is made that much easier.  It just mad me feel so happy and all I did was sit at the computer.  i did have a nice birthday indeed.  I was surrounded by friends, what could be better?  it is an interesting phenomena on SST, when the chat gears up and makes it 'YOUR' day.  They try to request things you like and try to make you feel welcomed.  I suppose that is not much different than any other day, minus the requesting bit. It is a comfort to know that if you are stuck home alone on your birthday, you will still most likely have a fun day.

Sock, the wonderful woman that she is, even wrote an Ode for me.  Who does that?  I have never had anything written about me in that manner and yet here, this woman I barely know found inspiration in SST and me to give me something so thoughtful on my birthday. I think that proves a good point, SST really does have a special group of people that would have no other home on the net if this station was not around. What brings such a unique group of people, who are able to be so friendly and kind to complete strangers?  Is the genre of score music that impressive that it plucks the best out?  Well, thats not entirely true since the site does get its jerks. Score music is unique in that it isn't as widely popular as other genres, with a select group actually buying into it.  But I think I've gone off whatever topic I had started...

Observations are subjective and are prone to change.  The more you get to know people the better your understanding of them becomes.  I know SST is a dynamic place, new members arrive, new scores get added...I think though some people do grow out of their need for SST.  In the short time I have been there, many people have gone and few have returned from long stays away.  What am I getting at?  Observations only go so far till there is nothing left you can observe from afar...Sorry for the ramblings...


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