Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Bru & Levi Duo

Two of the night crew regulars that constantly show up and add their special spark to the life of SST chat, Bruiser and Leviathan.

I should start with Levi because I have known him the longest, but even our knowing of each other is a short span of time.  Recently hes become a more constant figure on at night and I am certainly glad for that.  His persona is that of a fierce dragon, Sir_Rideout being the knight who keeps failing in slaying him and Catcalloway his evil arch nemesis who may be just a cat, but is a devilish one at that. Levi and Cat convos are so original and comical they should have all been saved and kept in a large volume.  It is like scenes out of the old Looney tunes, the Coyote and Road Runner constantly delivering dynamite in flowers and various explosive devises strewn about the room. His comedic persona comes out even more at night when he is free to do anything his mind could come up with.  he lives off of chili and tacos with the occasional cookie thrown in for good measure. He is cute, sweet and every girl's dream of a nice guy.  he brings such a comedic air to the chat one cannot help but have fun when he is around.  His random comments and good humor bring a smile to everyone who has the pleasure of knowing him.

Bruiser is our resident writer!  Though she just recently started to come back to chat, I have gotten to know her sort of well and I wish once again that somehow the friends I met on here were much closer to me.  She is, as with most of the members, funny smart and a real asset to the room.  Her silly antics and fuel to the Levi fire, they make a fun duo.  Huddling under the blanket trying to keep warm and enjoying her Orange cookies which she wont spill the recipe to. She is a great writer, and I hope to one day reading her book.  Her humor about her height and her hobbit hole of a home add to her intrigue and fun.  Like many of the night chatters she is there to have fun, to be with friends and to forget a little of what happened during her day. It is always nice to hear her stories about her bad day at work, the former Mr. Hottie or her going ons  with her Blog and Book querying.  Always one to encourage and help others when they are down, receiving the same when she has those days as well. 

I am so glad to have the night crew people :) these are just two of the many more i have yet to write on...


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