...also known as Arya and Lieserl. After a few days break, i was busy with random stuff, I decided to take on a challenge with this post. Arya and Lies are long time members with huge personalities and huge reputations on the chatroom and on the site in general. Although both are rather sparse now a days, both have left their mark on the site and will never be forgotten...not that they are gone forever...ever!
Arya came to mind because today is her birthday so she popped in to chat to say hello and thank you for the well wishes. But in some regards you cannot talk about Arya without also talking about Lies. The two were once like twins, completing each others thoughts and getting into the most crazy of mischief that one could imagine in the chat room. If you could imagine a crazy world where anything is possible, these two would surpass that idea. Arya, the crazy wilderness girl from far p north, she hunts, she photographs, she builds potato cannons and knows how to use any number of guns. A wild child for sure, but also a ton of fun and very neat person to get to know. I remember when I first was on at nights in that chat and sometimes when these two were there some of the craziest stuff I ever read would go down. Epic battles of huge proprtion, Arya always finding new weapons stored away in the chat room or nearby bar. Somehow she always seemed to survive though with only a few hairs missing. To live up to Arya's battles is a feat no one can manage. She would also go one about her hunting adventures or what her various siblings or pets had been up to. The adventures with her school were also fun to tag along with. While she is missed in chat, I suppose life doesn't always allow for constant SST contact.
On the other side of the equation you have Lieserl, a woman who will forever be the random, link posting, new words making squeeing person on SST, hands down. I do not think a few lines in here will ever portray who Lies really is. She is probably the craziest person I know on chat, I am sure she is just as crazy in person too. She is an artist, and an awesome one at that that too. Some of the things she draws, I cannot help but wonder what it would be like to be in that mind for a few hours. She will post the most random and stupid pictures when she is bored and are few are worth a laugh. She can go on about See Beebees for hours if she is in the mood, or she could go on about video games or James Cameron if the idea strikes her. She will call people out on their stupid remarks or put a new member back in line if there is a need. She too has become a rare siting in the chat, but she too is missed by all those who know her. She will never stop short of voicing her opinions on issues and she is a loud presence in chat, as I am sure she is in real life. No one can really compete with her when she is on, more so follow along and hope to be able to swim in her wake. A force to be reckoned with I suppose she could be labeled as. It was funny, as stated above, when her and Arya were in the room together they would go on the weirdest tangents and get into the weirdest things. I suppose one thing they prove in chat is that you are only limited in the chat room by your imagination and your ingenuity to write it all out.
I suppose a ton more could be written on the two ladies, but I suppose I did them at least a little justice with this small posting! I wont be so long gone next time, promise! ..if anyone really cares... :P
Friday, January 22, 2010
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