Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lmarrese & Maddy

Well it was noted that if i posted about Pete, I had to tell the other side of the story, that would be the LMarrese side of it here goes...

LMarr is a Canadian, but don't let that totally shape your judgement of her.  If Pete had his way no Canadian women would be allowed on SST for they are far too dangerous her says.  But I rather like this Canadian.  She is also known as the resident smurf due to her blueish color, or maybe it is just because it is so darn cold up north.  Either way, she certainly stands out in the chat, both by her color and her personality. She is an expert at bringing out the worst in Pete and it is always comical.  Maddy tags along and sometimes Pete can dig a very deep whole when they are on the chat.  She often does not say much, but what she does say is usually knee deep in sexual innuendos or sarcasm, I suppose the two go well together and she executes it perfectly. She knows how to be sly and coy and has been around long enough to have a well established place in the chat system.  I am sure she is a great person to meet as well, as many others can attest to.  But my favorite is the dynamic with Pete.  The road to her trip to Chicago to meet Pete was funny, plots to do away with her and the ending of the world were predicted, but alas, to Pete's disappointment he claims, none occurred. She is ever kind, always greeting everyone and although her main duties lie on other stations, she is a mainstay none the less on SST still.

A little bit on Maddy, known best as the one who will always hug you no matter who you are, her cat hug links have become a thing of chat legend.  She always finds new hug links each day and usually the next one is cuter than the one that came before.  Always bad at lurking, but still there none the less.  She doesn't mind going on about her travels, work or cat which others always find interesting to hear about.  Those little tid bits about a chatter's daily life that get you a little closer to know who they really are.  Although no two are alike, it is easy to spot those who share and those who do not.  Another long time member, she as well has a well established place in the chat.  Also her teasing of Pete is ever enjoyable and usually good for a laugh.

Did that do them well?  A little maybe...I think things are slowing down...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Importance of Links

Well here we are in the general again.  Something that is ever important to the chat environment is the link, usually to pictures but often to other random pages be it news articles or various geek stuff out there to buy.  The link is important because it is able to say things that cant be said, express feelings or just share neat things one has found with the others of the chat, the link plays a unique role in bringing the people of the chat a little closer together.

I think the most common use of the link is to share funny/cute/ugly/funny pictures that are found by various chatters.  Maddy is known for her hug pictures, usually the cutest cats she can find cuddled up with each other.  Han is the 'Link King' having a random link for what it seems like every song or score there is in the playlist.  Sometimes very obscure references, but he most often has a link when you need one! Lieserl use to post the most random and weird picture links, sometimes you had to wonder who would ever put some of those on the internet.  People post links for films to stress a quote they are making or just to help other chatters visualize what they are trying to say. Picture links add to the quality of the chat I believe, giving a visual aid is always helpful, on or off the net.

Links of course are also most helpful to share random information or news stories.  Last night they were going on about Anime swords, links were abundant as they showed off the best reproductions they could find.  Linking to a site is the only way otherwise to really let others know what you are looking at, describing all those swords would of taken a lot longer. Links are the short way I suppose you could sum up, to get others interested in what it is you are looking at.  I have seen a lot of weird stuff as well to buy that I am sure I never would have found if it were not for some link posted by a chatter.  Youtube also proves valuable in linking, the power of videos and music is multiplied now with the ability to have it at quick access.  Little things to lighten up the chat, like the random Sesame Street video about the word Concentrate, brought to you by Elmo and Hugh Jackman. Had no relevance, but it was funny, made me laugh and I am sure brightened a few days. How else to see such nice looking people without links?

I suppose this is a pretty obvious observation about the chat, but I guess it was notable enough for its own posting...not as eloquent as the last I am afraid...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pete the Great

I think I am forgetting you dear blog, unsure of what people want to read or what i should tell about this little story...

Once upon a time, in a windy suburb of Chicago lived a man unlike any who had roamed this earth.  For he was a great mystery to all that met him, on one hand he was kind friendly and helpful, on the other he was in great fear of the fairer sex and his knowledge of things economic and political could scare anyone out of their pants. How does one come to terms with the vastly different views of a single man?  Answer, you learn to appreciate the complex, awesomely intelligent man that is Pete.

He is another long time member, although one needs to reference other members as yet unwritten about to talk about Pete, I will do my best.  Pete acts as a lighting rod for many of the women of SST for their teasing and lewd remarks. He of course, bring it on himself when he goes on about the evilness of the wimmenz! He brings on the torment, especially from Lmarrese and Maddy who cannot help but tease him and point fingers at all his little silly remarks about women.  He has this persona about him that they are all evil, no man is safe and that they are all intent on destroying Pete. When I first met him, he first thought I was a guy and tried to steer me clear of the women, but soon found out my true nature and was content to deal with me as a potential, but not quite enemy yet.  He especially has it in for the northern ladies, they seem to make him even more bothered than those in the states. But I soon learned that his reputation was one of wimmenz hating and silly sarcastic remarks about them.  I soon found out that none of it was true.  He is in fact a loving husband and caring father who would as soon help you with anything than truly wish you harm.  Just don't say that in public!

His other side is his wit and intelligence of all things economic.  That is the field he works in, so of course he would be most knowledgeable about those issues.  My limited knowledge has been enhanced by his remarks, but it takes a skilled eye to sort through the truth and the sarcastic interpretations.  The recent economical issues surely have given him a lot more ammo for his gun, but he always has insight into issues that one would never have found otherwise.  It is apparent which side he stands on, the Pete side. The random little economic articles really have given me a lot to think about and surely those on late at night to talk to him without the wimmenz will find a lot of interesting conversations.  With Andres and Nate he can go one for hours about the different issues, their ideas and insights that are much more informative than any news broadcast.  With BhelPuri he'd go on for hours about the music he shouldn't be buying yet cannot help it.  He is truly a sweet guy, but he likes to hide behind his manly man armor and economic prowess. Hes good for a laugh as he gets abused by the women, but they all truly know he is having just as much fun!

Epic novels will be written about what he does, but for now, just a side note on an obscure blog will have to do...

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Twin Ladies of Mayhem

...also known as Arya and Lieserl.  After a few days break, i was busy with random stuff, I decided to take on a challenge with this post.  Arya and Lies are long time members with huge personalities and huge reputations on the chatroom and on the site in general.  Although both are rather sparse now a days, both have left their mark on the site and will never be forgotten...not that they are gone forever...ever!

Arya came to mind because today is her birthday so she popped in to chat to say hello and thank you for the well wishes.  But in some regards you cannot talk about Arya without also talking about Lies.  The two were once like twins, completing each others thoughts and getting into the most crazy of mischief that one could imagine in the chat room.  If you could imagine a crazy world where anything is possible, these two would surpass that idea.  Arya, the crazy wilderness girl from far p north, she hunts, she photographs, she builds potato cannons and knows how to use any number of guns.  A wild child for sure, but also a ton of fun and very neat person to get to know. I remember when I first was on at nights in that chat and sometimes when these two were there some of the craziest stuff I ever read would go down.  Epic battles of huge proprtion, Arya always finding new weapons stored away in the chat room or nearby bar. Somehow she always seemed to survive though with only a few hairs missing.  To live up to Arya's battles is a feat no one can manage.  She would also go one about her hunting adventures or what her various siblings or pets had been up to.  The adventures with her school were also fun to tag along with.  While she is missed in chat, I suppose life doesn't always allow for constant SST contact.

On the other side of the equation you have Lieserl, a woman who will forever be the random, link posting, new words making squeeing person on SST, hands down. I do not think a few lines in here will ever portray who Lies really is.  She is probably the craziest person I know on chat, I am sure she is just as crazy in person too.  She is an artist, and an awesome one at that that too.  Some of the things she draws, I cannot help but wonder what it would be like to be in that mind for a few hours.  She will post the most random and stupid pictures when she is bored and are few are worth a laugh.  She can go on about See Beebees for hours if she is in the mood, or she could go on about video games or James Cameron if the idea strikes her. She will call people out on their stupid remarks or put a new member back in line if there is a need.  She too has become a rare siting in the chat, but she too is missed by all those who know her. She will never stop short of voicing her opinions on issues and she is a loud presence in chat, as I am sure she is in real life.  No one can really compete with her when she is on, more so follow along and hope to be able to swim in her wake. A force to be reckoned with I suppose she could be labeled as.  It was funny, as stated above, when her and Arya were in the room together they would go on the weirdest tangents and get into the weirdest things.  I suppose one thing they prove in chat is that you are only limited in the chat room by your imagination and your ingenuity to write it all out.

I suppose a ton more could be written on the two ladies, but I suppose I did them at least a little justice with this small posting!  I wont be so long gone next time, promise! ..if anyone really cares... :P

Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthdays and Other Ramblings

Well, I suppose those who read know it was my birthday yesterday, if you did not know, well thanks...!

Not sure what there is to blog about, but I thought a post on Birthdays was a little appropriate.  When one has a birthday on SST most often members request a track in their honor. it is a very nice gesture and with the added feature of Favorite Lists, the requesting is made that much easier.  It just mad me feel so happy and all I did was sit at the computer.  i did have a nice birthday indeed.  I was surrounded by friends, what could be better?  it is an interesting phenomena on SST, when the chat gears up and makes it 'YOUR' day.  They try to request things you like and try to make you feel welcomed.  I suppose that is not much different than any other day, minus the requesting bit. It is a comfort to know that if you are stuck home alone on your birthday, you will still most likely have a fun day.

Sock, the wonderful woman that she is, even wrote an Ode for me.  Who does that?  I have never had anything written about me in that manner and yet here, this woman I barely know found inspiration in SST and me to give me something so thoughtful on my birthday. I think that proves a good point, SST really does have a special group of people that would have no other home on the net if this station was not around. What brings such a unique group of people, who are able to be so friendly and kind to complete strangers?  Is the genre of score music that impressive that it plucks the best out?  Well, thats not entirely true since the site does get its jerks. Score music is unique in that it isn't as widely popular as other genres, with a select group actually buying into it.  But I think I've gone off whatever topic I had started...

Observations are subjective and are prone to change.  The more you get to know people the better your understanding of them becomes.  I know SST is a dynamic place, new members arrive, new scores get added...I think though some people do grow out of their need for SST.  In the short time I have been there, many people have gone and few have returned from long stays away.  What am I getting at?  Observations only go so far till there is nothing left you can observe from afar...Sorry for the ramblings...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Unexpected Love

 Well, some may know, I will hit that quarter century mark this Sunday and as a kind thoughtful, UNEXPECTED gesture, friends off of SST sent me a gift!  i know this is sort of off the whole 'observation' theme, but I think i can connect it...if you permit...

Receiving something from an online friend is a way, I think, to become closer to that friend.  The internet can only do so much, I think we all know this. It is funny too how when you seem to be a little down, those online friends are able to cheer you up with their silly antics, their virtual hugs or just lending an eye to read about your issues.  A long running joke at night in regards to me has been my enormous stuffed animal collect, virtual of course.  i use to throw them at Levi as I left, then i gave one to Kelly when she went to bed, I always had to come up with a new animal to send off!  It was fun, another one of those chat quirks that just make you closer with those who live so far from you. My 'favorite' animal soon became squiddy, the giant stuffed squid, original name yes i know...I'd drag him off to bed or offer him to Kelly if she wanted. I do not remember how it became him, just that somehow we got to talking about weird sea creatures and of course squids came up! Needless to say, it was a fun little thing and now I have my own real squiddy!  We had found this great website that has a ton of animals, basically every animal you can think of this site has it.  Levi, Bru and Kelly pitched in together to buy me the Squid :) how sweet is that?  it was so unexpected and so thoughtful.  It made me so happy when I opened the mysterious box! I think this observation proves that friends you make online are as good as real ones, if not better. I will forever cherish my squiddy and smile thinking on my friends I have that remembered.

I also had to make a further note about Rukia!  I know i had mentioned briefly her keeping a list, but yes, here it is officially.  If you are ever in the need to recount all the words i have misspelled (or at least those she remembers) Rukia is now keeping a running list!  They are called Jadeism, hah, and though its embarrassing to misspell, i was doing it a lot on my laptop, so i think i deserve the jest at least. I am ever thankful for spell checkers on Google Chrome and Firefox!! It is funny though when one of them catches on, like poaste. Shows that even little things can bring out a laugh and it is perfectly alright to laugh at yourself over silly mistakes in chat.

Also, had to share a poem of Sock's creation, our resident Shakespeare!

sockenfussel: so fierce a dragon never seen as levi the unyielding,
                        young maidens scream when he arrives.
                          His secret I'm a-shielding,
                    true bards have said of dragon folk
                      "beware his poisonous sting"
                   but I take cover from the world
                      beneath his guardian wing

..Sorry for the bad spacing, but there it is, hello random posting!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Night Mainstays

There are a few chatters that appear often enough during the evening that they become a core part of the night crew as it were. Another multi person post (are there too many?) with the likes of Redjack_Ryan, Rukia and Kellybug making the rounds.

To start, it should be noted that Redjack is the king of LEGO on SST.  He probably is also the bug and carnivorous plant king as well, but I haven't taken a survey so don't quote me on that. He is lucky in the fact that he gets to play with toys often at his job, Tonka trucks 50 times bigger (another statistic I'm not sure on).  He works at a mine and as a result I think many of us have learned a good bit about mining, large giant trucks, cranes and various wildlife that may be spotted at an open pit mine. I love seeing his pictures, of the mine, the wildlife and his various Lego projects.  He is another great guy on the site, humorous and funny, how doesn't mind updating the chatters on what hes building at the moment, his millipede James or work events like helicopter ride alongs. He is also a great singer! Singing to Gaston (and other Disney Villain songs) and random Japanese songs just to prove he can. His shower lurks are infamous as are his dinner ones. He loves epic scores, our tastes are similar in many regards, his truck a.k.a. the Orange Monster is a Decepticon and I hope one day he finds another who shares so many of his interests.  Hes been around longer than I, but it sure has been an adventure getting to know him better.

Rukia, our resident sword wielder, is a crazy college girl who certainly knows how to be silly to the extreme and have a good time. She takes her name from a character in the anime Bleach, which her and Redjack love, and she really does have a sword!  Side note, her sword does not shoot out yummy cookies for the enjoyment of chat, if you wondered.  Her and Kelly make a great act to watch, countering about heights, tininess and swords that kill with ice.  Kelly is a recent addition, but shes has taken well to the others, becoming like a little bug we all have to protect.  Shes very cute in her comments, how do you describe that better? She doesn't say much but what she says she means.  She is also the resident nurse! Ready to put her nurse hat on and stick thermometers where needed to ensure your healthy.  lucky for us since it seems people get sick often enough. Rukia has a way with gummy bear links, Rukia drawings and random cuteness that can kill all who dare look at it. Its always fun the be silly in chat, its a way to escape the mundane life, these two are exceptional at that and when you get them going it is hard to stop. Levi and Bru of course add to the sillyness, the entire night crew works like a giant monster, a silly giggling monster.

I suppose that is at least a little glimpse at these three, great friends who are the lifeblood of the nights.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Bru & Levi Duo

Two of the night crew regulars that constantly show up and add their special spark to the life of SST chat, Bruiser and Leviathan.

I should start with Levi because I have known him the longest, but even our knowing of each other is a short span of time.  Recently hes become a more constant figure on at night and I am certainly glad for that.  His persona is that of a fierce dragon, Sir_Rideout being the knight who keeps failing in slaying him and Catcalloway his evil arch nemesis who may be just a cat, but is a devilish one at that. Levi and Cat convos are so original and comical they should have all been saved and kept in a large volume.  It is like scenes out of the old Looney tunes, the Coyote and Road Runner constantly delivering dynamite in flowers and various explosive devises strewn about the room. His comedic persona comes out even more at night when he is free to do anything his mind could come up with.  he lives off of chili and tacos with the occasional cookie thrown in for good measure. He is cute, sweet and every girl's dream of a nice guy.  he brings such a comedic air to the chat one cannot help but have fun when he is around.  His random comments and good humor bring a smile to everyone who has the pleasure of knowing him.

Bruiser is our resident writer!  Though she just recently started to come back to chat, I have gotten to know her sort of well and I wish once again that somehow the friends I met on here were much closer to me.  She is, as with most of the members, funny smart and a real asset to the room.  Her silly antics and fuel to the Levi fire, they make a fun duo.  Huddling under the blanket trying to keep warm and enjoying her Orange cookies which she wont spill the recipe to. She is a great writer, and I hope to one day reading her book.  Her humor about her height and her hobbit hole of a home add to her intrigue and fun.  Like many of the night chatters she is there to have fun, to be with friends and to forget a little of what happened during her day. It is always nice to hear her stories about her bad day at work, the former Mr. Hottie or her going ons  with her Blog and Book querying.  Always one to encourage and help others when they are down, receiving the same when she has those days as well. 

I am so glad to have the night crew people :) these are just two of the many more i have yet to write on...

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Few European Friendlies

Well since I do not know these Europeans very well, but still know that they are a constant fixture of the chat room and a lot of fun to talk with, I thought I would do a posting about a few members all at once!

Let us start with Victor.  This guy can be a real hoot, he can be so fun and entertaining to read and I believe him to be a genuinely nice guy.  Even in real life, the subject of a person's preferences can be a touchy subject, you are afraid to ask though you think that maybe perhaps possibly they may be on the side that likes the same sex.  Well that is how it was with me and Victor, I sort of thought he was, but I didn't want to say "HEY ARE YOU GAY?" and be all rude and inconsiderate about it, but he is super sweet and is happy about his orientation and I am glad the chat has him. He'll put on a hula skirt and dance for you when "Wonders of the New World" comes up.  He'll tell you how great your pick is, if it is something he loves as well, be it emotional or epic, he has wonderful taste in music scores.  He'll make those funny sexual innuendos that you cannot help but giggle at.  He probably looks great in pink, and he will gladly let you think so (though I've never seen a photo so I cannot judge). His is a very sweet boyfriend as well, as seen from the few times he has brought up some issues with his, how much he cares and can be frustrated with him.  But I know he cares and I think his bf is very lucky to have him, I hope he knows this!!

Sockenfussel (love that nickname) is a sweet lady who knows how to have a good laugh!  She brought the Men in Tights score to SST, for that I (and many others) will be forever grateful. She is also a genuinely good humored person, knows how to be silly and have fun, which is always a good thing. She is sweet and caring, always asking how others are doing, ensuring people are having a good day. Tinkerbelle is along these same lines as well.  Both I have not known very long, but both have made a significant impact of the chat life I think.  Tinkerbelle is now infamous for her hugs and her fairy dustings.  She is also a nice lady, who I think brings a lot of life into the chat. Though she may be 'little' she has a big personality and has made herself a well known chatter in a short while.

I can only think of Masked_Platypus as another I know fairly well, but even with him that is a far stretch,  Needless to say, he will offer you a hug whenever he greets you and will be a devious little masked mammal for as long as he can manage.  He has the proper air of a Frenchman, the lure that comes with that and the kindness that one doesn't always expect.  The other Frenchman who frequents, is Nathanael, if it be cheese you want, he will cover you 10 times over.  I am not around for much of his cheezy antics, but the little I do catch is rather hilarious and fun to watch.  How he can like and incorporate so many cheeses into chat I will never know, but I guess that is a French specialty?  Either way, one can never have too much cheese!

I know there are more, but I fear I did not even do these 5 justice.  One hopes a little something can be gleamed from the nonsense...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Importance of Cookies

It may be silly, but cookies (as virtual as the may be) play an important part in chat.

When the mere mention of them is made in chat many members go bug-eyed. They are something awesome and undeniably good to eat, warm yummy thoughts always come to me when I hear their mentioned.  But it is funny because they can be used as a very good tool to get people to do things, or seen as the reason to do many things.  here is a little example from Chat today:

Redjack_Ryan: Building a LEGO model that functions with motors. And what's cooler than that? Same thing, but with actual lights Cool 
kellybug: Building LEGO models while eating cookies..?
Redjack_Ryan: That too, kelly

I just saw that so I posted it, but of course there are other long past chats that had similar responses to the awesomeness of the cookie!   It is a very good way to get Leviathan to behave, if you dare mention them you'd better have enough for everyone.  Rukia's sword was turned into one that sprouted cookies, just cause that would somehow be more awesome than the usual ice it put out.

What is it about the cookies that creates such a response from so many? I know that cookies are good, I love to bake them, try new kinds and even send them to friends.  But virtual ones?  i suppose perhaps it is the knowledge of what they are in real life that the online chatter cannot help but get giddy about cookies in chat.  True, not all members are lured in by the offer of cookies, but a fair few are in that group.  Not that it is at all a bad thing, I love a cookie whenever I can get them.. It is just funny to see sometimes the reactions that come about due to cookies. Such a simple food item, yet no other can beat it out for most prized virtual food item (except maybe bacon, but I detest the stuff so it doesn't get my vote). 

Moral of the post, when bringing cookies, ensure there are plenty for all and do not abuse the power of the cookie on other members...

Friday, January 8, 2010


Another lady of the chat room, did not want this to be male dominated! Cinder is another that has been around a while and I have come to see her as a motherly figure in the chat.  She is a hoot to talk to, such a fun character and a wonderful poster in the forums.  I first got to talking with Cin when I expressed my love of cooking, she was a member of a email group that sent out recipes on the weekends.  So our friendship I could say started from our mutual love of foods!  She is always one to suggest certain food recipes if you are in search, websites that offer a plethora of recipe ideas and any other silly useful food items you may need.

She is a platinum member of the MFC (Morricone Fan Club) and always has her tissues at hand come "Once Upon a Time in the West." She has such a motherly nature, she certainly made me feel welcomed when I first braved the chat.  She will keep you updated with the latest jokes and funny pictures on the net, ensuring you always have a laugh at least once a day.   Sometimes her postings can be really random, but whats like without a little random-ness?  She is the advocate of 'Talk Like a Pirate Day' on SST and for that I will be happy every September.  She really can get you into feel, with all her pirate themed jokes or postings, trying the best to make everyone have a little fun.

While I will always think of her as the SST foodie extraordinaire, she is so much more than that.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bein' Green

Well, hello news, I got promoted to Moderator status on SST!  So now I too am a greenie! I think it will be a good experience, lots to learn along the way I suppose.

So I thought I'd do a posting today on my fellow Greens.  I honestly do not know all the moderators very well, Nate was the most known to me, as seen in a previous posting.  But I have been on this side of the ocean and the other so I think i have had a fair chance to see all the moderators at work and get a semi-good picture of them.  Alchemist and SiriusCreations are the European ones, Sirius being promoted last year was the newest member of the group.  Alchemist is not a big chatter, usually on at work so obviously busy with all that fun stuff that is a job.   He is a huge Hisaishi fan though and usually a song from that composer can bring him out of lurk mode, even if only for a few minutes. In my observation he keeps to himself mostly, not really talking much but being a proactive help on the site whenever needed.  Sirius is also a genuinely nice guy, I think he holds the record for most SST meetings!  He has met a lot of members and I have only heard positive things about their encounters.  Sirius seems to me as one always willing to help when needed, to go the extra mile to make things a little easier for others and to ensure all runs smooth.

The American moderators are another three gentlemen who I could say are the complete opposite of each other.  Obi-son and Jbarta are the silly ones, always out for a laugh, being as silly as one could be.  While jb tends to lurk often enough, Obi gets around and he is always a laugh to have around.  His epic Smith battles were a thing of legend. I don't know either very well, this is all just what I've seen over the few years. J2Brown is the more serious of the bunch, and he certainly knows it.  He is the enforcer of the rules while he is in chat.  Although he is a Virginian, he'll greet you with a "Howdy," maybe he picked it up from Woody, who knows. But he does an excellent job of reminding you to change your fire alarm batteries and switch your clocks for daylight savings time, always a helpful reminder. 

From the view of all the mods listed above, it seems it is best to sit back, retain your aura of authority and never get too personal with anyone.  I laughed when I first entered chat today, being green for the first time, and Nessy said she thought it strange that a mod would hug her!  I didn't see any reason to stop being ME as I've created in chat, but it struck a note with me.  Are moderators just watchful guardians?  Perhaps, maybe I do talk too much.  The bar from the other mods would set that up as a standard, but I do not want to be like that.  Nothing wrong with them, of course, they are great as is. 

Well I suppose this was a little off, but Mod observations are never easy...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Andres: Class in Chat

Well I had to sit and think about this one, who to do next?  It seems people are reading this (more than Fury) so I had to come up with someone good!

Thus we have Andres, known to both the Day and Evening chatters. (split between those who come on at work and those who come on after working hours) Andres is another wonderful member, a great long time addition to the chat and one could even note that he is the backbone of the night crew!  He always seems to be there, if he isn't then things are a little off for the evening. I think of Andres and I smile, he is such a fun, intelligent guy that one cannot help but like him.  If he isn't going on about his newest coffee love, the man has coffee brewing down to an art, then he could tell you about his Violin making hobby or various political issues that he seems to know everything about. He is witty in his remarks, tells things as he knows them to be and is always willing to play silly man if there is a need.

He loves to go on about "Golden Age" scores (smile and smirk at that title) and Jerry Goldsmith is smiling in his grave due to fans like Andres, and Pete but that's another posting. I love to listen to him go on about the pure vision of Star Trek and how Alien 3 messed with the true vision of the first movie.  I haven't given him a face-hug in a while, I think that is in order! He speaks with words that sometimes make you wish we still lived in an age where words were like poetry and used to create a richer more colorful world than you see with your eyes. Not always, sure he can be a normal chatter at times, but those moments I enjoy. I feel that I learn something from Andres on a nightly basis, his links on news articles or random information always seem useful somehow.

Always willing to give you advice if you require, making sure to sound like the Adult with clear concise and strongly, yet subtly, worded responses. He is genuinely a nice guy, one I think would be a delight to meet in person one day.  We'll go for coffee and tea! 

Observation 1: You are never to old to chat.
Observation 2:  Having strong opinions makes for interesting chat debates
Observation 3:  Kitchen habits are always interesting tid-bits about a person 

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Chat Life

Not a member posting, just a general observation of the chat life dynamic.

You could say that a chat room is like a family, at least the sort on SST where only a certain type of individual find their way to the site.  I'll say that the SST chat is my online family, as cheezy or weird as that may be. As with every family, you have a wide variety of character...those you can stand and those you cant are the broadest categories to place the members in.  Needless to say, most members I can tolerate, the few I can't I try not to let bother me.

I have never been in a chat room quite like that on SST, everyone seems to be very close somehow.  I was intimidated at first to start chatting, took me a few weeks after I joined to say hello.  But I am glad I did.  I know of no where else where the people are so friendly, funny, random and entertaining.  A few words can bring about random silly acts, last night we remembered 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' where we set sail on the virtual high seas! No where else could I continually make a member laugh every time I misspell something, POASTE!!! (She has a running list now of my silly mistakes)

I have had the most fun in an evening, just hanging out on that site. People have set up their reputations, how they enter/leave the site, how they say hello to others, how they will react and act to different things.  Sit there long enough and you cant help but see patterns and create ideas of these people...


Another member today!  This time it is a guy of some importance, in the regard that he is a moderator on the site so that makes him have some authority over the commoners. He has also been a member of the site for a while, 2004 was his sigh up date.  If i could sum him up in one sentence it would be that he is ever the diplomat, rarely taking a side on any issue.  Does he like it?  He hasn't listened enough to make a formal decision.  Did he like the movie?  It was ok, the story was not engaging or the characters left him wanting.

Do not get me wrong, Nate is an awesome guy.  He is calm, he can take a lot of teasing and he can put on a neutral face to keep the annoying members at bay. He can dish out sarcasm unlike anyone else on the site, getting to know him is getting to know when he is serious or when he is just being sarcastic.  Observing him in chat will never let you know who Nate truly is, he is the type to never really open up or tell you what is on his mind.  The chat side of Nate is a serious guy, becoming a less frequent face in the chat as life becomes more busy.  What is he busy with?  You will never know.  In this regard he is the complete opposite of the previous member, rarely telling you what he is up to. 

He also breaks the stereotype of night members on the site.  My observation, take it as nothing more than that, is those who frequent the site at night do so because they are without any other form of entertainment, be it social engagements or other things to be busy with.  Yet he was always on more at night but he didn't seem to come there for the company of other members, he somehow seems to be above that need.  How he does it I am still trying to figure out. How is it that he is so happy to be alone?  Or is he just unwilling to admit to anything?  All i can do is guess!  He can be such a fun and silly guy, easy to make anyone laugh.  He is also very much a people person, he talks with others very easily and yet that again goes against his outward appearance of not needing any company.  If he ever will read this, I think he would laugh at me.  Isn't everyone at this point?

Observation 1: Being green sure isn't easy, but it gives you something more to stand on.
Observation 2: Being able to let everything never bother you has its perks.
Observation 3: No matter how long you've known someone online, you still truly do not know them.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Nessy: Our beloved German Sheep

I was only going to do one a day, but I am bored, so no one keeps track I am sure...

The next member is our dear Nessy, a good friend I have made who lives in beloved Deutschland.  I have even been schooling in a city right south of her, but alas I did not know it at the time.  Observations only go so far, but you can tell a lot about someone who likes to share it all.  Nessy can be described as a sweet girl who lets too many things get to her.  She has been through a lot through this past year, nothing is trivial.  I can say this for sure, she is young and has a lot yet to learn.  She use to often make her entrance in to chat with all the angry emoticons she could muster, and it was becoming common place for others to think she was always mad or upset about something every day.  When she first entered the site, she was very sensitive about what people addressed her as and what could be said. Now she has matured a bit, her english is a lot better and I think her year at SST has helped her grow. 

I love the girl dearly, I hope that she will learn more as she goes to University next year.  Trivial things are not worth the worry, many of the chatters have tried to help Nessy with that, I think she is slowly catching on. Nessy has her strong opinions about which actors she likes, which shows she loves and she does like to obsess over them as often as possible.  You can catch her giggling now in chat, I am much more happy for that than her upset smilies. 

Can one truly grow by knowing people online?  I think so, Nessy is a good example of that. I said it above, she has grown a lot since she has been on the site.  I see her opening up more, becoming more comfortable meeting new people and more willing to take chances.  Her trip to the USA this coming summer is a great example of that.   Have i said too much?

Observation 1, never be afraid to tell the entire chat room whats going on, someone somewhere will care.
Observation 2, even that person who thinks they are most logical, has their illogical moments.
Observation 3, being the friendly little fluffy animal helps make online friends quick!

...i swear this is the last one today


I think it would be appropriate to start with the most important member, to me, on the site.

I met him, online at least, in May of 2009. Although he has been a member since the site began, mid 2002, he was not around much. Happenstance that he showed back up when I was there. His SST name is Furyen, and no it is not based off of the Vin Diesel movie, something random he invented way back whenever. My observations of him are now a bit skewed since I have met him in person twice, and we are in a relationship. But it all began with a simple chat post. What can one convey through words without seeing the person's expressions? It is hard, always the chance of misinterpretation, but flirting is usually rather easy to observe. To me in those first months, he was a blessing. Engaging me with questions, ensuring my evenings were not boring. He then stated that he came on just to chat with me, how could a girl refuse that?

His words were simple, his questions probing, he asked me the color of my car and would love to guess, never getting it right of course. He came off as a sweet guy, though that is easy to fake in a chat room. But I had other member to ensure that those thoughts were correct. He joined the site for the sole fact that he loved score music and the online radio was an easy way to listen to new things and to meet people who shared his interests. He had the reputation of hating every score, especially Hans Zimmer (though side note he now LoVeS the Holmes score). Elliot Goldenthal was his hero and no one could challenge that. He came off as cocky and set in his ways, loving a good score debate.

If I could sum up anything about Furyen, it is that how a person acts online in a chat room is only the side they allow you to see, meeting them in person is something completely different. I guess that is a benchmark for this blog, most of the friends I have there, and those members who are not friends, I have never met and likely will not ever meet. It is something completely different to meet them in person. The few times I have done it, its been amazingly fun, but that is for another posting.

Furyen, to you I will be forever glad I found my way to SST.


Is this where I establish my credibility on this topic? Well all I can say is that I have been a member of the site for two years and three months, I suppose that gives me a little authority, though not much. Thus this is a blog on observations, what I see and perceive.

We were joking today on chat that a book could be written about the chatroom, the crazy antics that go on there and all the interesting people that make their presence known on the site. I was inspired to blog about it instead of write a book, because frankly i am not a writer, just a girl who finds it a nice hobby. I wanted to blog about something for a long while, but had no idea what to do. So the two ideas came together and here we have this, a blog about Streaming Soundtrack chatters.

I have a lot of friends on the site, I love to hear their stories, their daily problems and how they are doing in general. I figured I would start with one person, write a bit of observation, then move on. Multiple posts per member are inevitable, afterall, we constantly learn about our online friends! I will leave this as an intro and start the observations next posting!

Till then...Score music is life
